Getting back

London, first city after spending last months in third world countries. Comparing to what I saw recently it feels exotic.

Perfectly shaped, nicely smelling garden of my aunt is really good for tired traveler.

People are really careful about their driving here. So slow, silently, without honking all the time. Just impossible in Bolivia or Peru, where the key words of streets are noise, exhaust and speed. But here and there you are not going to see many accidents. And actually if you take a closer look you are going to have a second thought about where people live faster.

Tourists are walking in a relaxed manner, having their big cameras hanging off their necks. Impossible to see and do in South America.

Rules and regulations. Third world people are so relaxed that they don’t care. And don’t make as many regulations as here.

Being surrounded by iPhones and Starbucks cups.