Kategoria: Uncategorized

  • Few more pictures from 2013Kilka zdjęć z 2013

    Plaza Murillo, La Paz, Bolivia Impressive Macedonio Alcala Theater in Oaxaca, Mexico Canyon del Sumidero in Mexico Plac Murillo, La Paz, Boliwia Piękny Teatr Macedonio Alcala, Oaxaca, Meksyk Kanion del Sumidero in Meksyk

  • Exploring El Salvador: Ruta de las FloresW głąb Salwadoru: Ruta de las Flores

    So El Salvador. After spending a night in a tent in cheap hotel room, running away from undefined number of furious mosquitoes and a cockroach (that really liked one of my flip flops by the way) I took my motorbike and rode around Ahuachapán. Then I headed to famous Ruta de Las Flores, a scenic…

  • El Salvador

    Border crossing to El Salvador was an adventure. I showed up about 6 PM and after sending all the border vultures* to hell I completed my Guatemalan paperwork and headed to El Salvador. It was dark already and when I left the last Guatemalan checkpoint the scenery changed, most of all the road lights disappeared.…

  • Few pictures from 2013

    I spent last couple of days riding my motorbike around Guatemala City area (Antigua, Lake Atitlán), I’ve travelled some pretty scenic routes that are far from monotonous and now I’m back in Guatemala City for a night. But here’s something completely different. No matter how often I blog I will still have many unpublished pictures…

  • One more Beetle

    In case you don’t have enough of VW Beetle there is the last one. A trip to Mexico wouldn’t count without having a ride in on of those cars. During my stay in Oaxaca I spotted pretty nice VW Beetle and found the owner which was happy to give me a ride. Here’s the video.

  • New Years Eve in Guatemala City, The Capital City of Guatemala

    I greeted year 2014 in Guatemala City. Finding a bar or a party near the hostel was impossible, so instead of having beers and dancing till dead we welcomed new year on the streets. There were tons of firecrackers everywhere, loud, surprising, being thrown out of windows. To be honest it felt like a riot,…

  • From Belize to Guatemala

    Two days ago I rode my first thousand kilometre and right now the bike shows something around 1400. It happened on my three day trip from Belize City to Guatemala City, it was a long ride but it is still a little bit too early to write about my experiences regarding travelling on a motorbike.…

  • Volkswagen Beetle

    Dear car lovers, I didn’t please you much since my stay in Buenos Aires, where I shoot some classic vehicles so hopefully a bunch of VW Beetles will make your day. To get the picture how popular in Mexico VW Beetle is I’ll just write that most of those pictures where taken during three or…

  • Every night different adventure

    So I rode all the way from Chetumal to Belize City yesterday. Somewhere around 10km before my destination I was stopped by police and due to insurance I didn’t get they wanted to take my bike until I’ll buy one. At some point I realised that they want me to bribe them, but thankfully they…

  • I Nailed it

    I am going to make sure that this nail is not going to flat any more tire. Today was my first day on the road. I rode all the way from Tulum to Chetumal. OK, almost, because seven kilometres before my destination, I got a flat tire. Rear wheel, horrible 10cm nail lying on the…